DOBRA Group - Garden wooden furniture and more...

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General conditions

The company that manages the site, hereinafter is Austro Wood SRL, hereinafter Austro Wood SRL, registered in the Register of Commerce no. J26 / 1518 / 2004 and with Unique Registration Code: RO14921412, paying VAT.

Use of this site implies acceptance of the Privacy Policy below. We recommend reading it carefully. Austro Wood SRL reserves the right to change these provisions without further notice.

1. Personal Information

You agree that the provision of services or products featured on begin immediately after all required registration formalities. The information provided must be accurate. Choosing to register, you undertake to provide us with the correct name, address and other useful information. To correct or update this information, click on the "My Account". By accessing the personal account and using the password you are responsible for all actions arising from their use. Austro Wood SRL can not be held responsible for errors arising from negligence in security and privacy of user account and password.

2. Personal Data Security

Access implies the users that their personal data to be stored and processed by the Austro Wood SRL. Purposes of their processing are: creating a database for statistical reports, information about promotiiile Austro Wood SRL or any other promotions or activities of the Austro Wood SRL. by any means of communication (mail, e-mail, phone, SMS, etc..). Austro Wood SRL undertakes not to disclose personal data to third parties, except for direct marketing operator (of it). Your personal information will be forwarded to authorities in order to verify the commercial transactions or other appropriate authority to carry out any checks if this will be applied in accordance with the law.

Austro Wood SRL certifies that it will respect the rights conferred by Law no. 677/2001 regarding the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and free movement of such data, the Law no. 365/2002 on electronic commerce, and Ordinance no. 130/2000 on the conclusion and implementation of consumer protection in distance contracts and related amendments. These rights include (list is not exhaustive):

  1. right to ask Austro Wood SRL was not working or will confirm your personal data filtering, free of charge;
  2. right to ask Austro Wood SRL was correct, update, block or delete, free of charge, provided data whose processing is not under the Law no. 677/2001;
  3. right to ask Austro Wood SRL to stop free of charge, your personal data processing;
  4. right to ask Austro Wood SRL stop sending promotional messages.
  5. your right to notify in writing to give Austro Wood SRL as the purchase without penalty and without giving any reason, within 10 days of receipt of goods or in case of services, from contract, by returning to this term bought the product in original packaging with all accessories and without presenting any sign of damage or wear, supporting customer shipping costs under Roman law. This right can not be invoked in the case of products collected from our premises or those delivered by our staff directly by the client for which the sample was taken, or installation.

Any such request / notice will be dated, signed and sent to the person registered in our database by e-mail address or by post to the address: Str.Principala Nr. 94, Petelea. uses security measures against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that is under our control.

Any attempt to access personal data of another user, change site content or to affect performance server that runs the site will be considered an attempt to defraud the site and will put in motion or criminal investigation against those who initiated this action.